Can telnet port 80 but cannot ping!

Drew Taylor drew at
Thu Dec 6 10:40:07 EST 2001

When you're telnetting to port 80, you're simulating a web browser. Apache 
is running so you get a response.

When you telnet to the default port, you're trying to login to the machine. 
It sounds like you don't have the telnet daemon installed on your box. If 
you're looking fo remote access, please look into SSH. It's easy to setup, 
and infinitely more secure than telnet.

As for the ping, perhaps you're behind some sort of firewall?


At 10:02 AM 12/6/2001 -0500, Ali Taalebi wrote:

>I am running RedHat Linux 7.2 on a Compaq DeskPro.
>I can successfully:
>         telnet <My-Host> 80
>However, if I try:
>         telnet <My-Host>
>it responds:
>         "telnet: Unable to connect to ...."
>I have also tried:
>         ping <My-Host>
>but it says:
>         "no answer from"
>Any idea what steps I should take to make these services available
>on my server? I should mention that I chose the telnet and other
>modules during my installation of of my Linux.
>Many thanks in advance.
> >>Ali
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Drew Taylor                     JA[P|m_p|SQL]H      Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
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