RH7 - quick look the other way!

linuxguy at ici.net linuxguy at ici.net
Sun Feb 18 22:19:56 EST 2001


following my 6.1 server crash on Friday & my inability to recover
from suspected filesystem corruption, I've now installed RH7. Get
this, I thought it would take roughly the same amount of time to
restore from my tapes as it would to just install RH7.  :-(

First impression? ..... UGH!

I like   : xinetd, rc-scripts in normal places, updated GTK/GIMP & other stuff
I dislike: the whole compiler thing

My BIGGEST headache was when I went to go apply the recommended patches.
My / (root) filesystem didn't have enough room to install the packages.
After fiddling for about an hour trying to repair the failed kernel update,
I just reloaded again with a larger / (256M instead of 64M).

Anyone else running 7.0 (un)happily?

- christoph

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