Dropping of network connection on Linux system

Anand A Rao andy at honnu.com
Tue Oct 23 11:36:37 EDT 2001

hi JErry,

> The Boston Linux server has run for months with no interruption in
> connectivity. Additionally, my home system is up 24x7 with no loss of
> connectivity on its local network (I use a Linksys router to provide
> connectivity to cable modem).

Does Linksys allow telnet into the router , or is it just the same as D-link
router , I mean only  web based configurations. I am not too satisfied with
its performance of D-link.

thanks and regards

PS : regarding the next session./ meeting .. I was just feeling since it
falls just the prev day of thanks Giving .. its kind of odd time as its the
time when we can think of planning some time out.

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