wipe utility

Cole Tuininga colet at code-energy.com
Fri Aug 13 12:57:02 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 12:53, Fred wrote:
> How is "wipe" any different from "shred", which is already on your linux
> system?

Dunno.  Could be that they're basically the same.

> I keep my /tmp partition as ext2 for that sole reason. Anything
> sensitive goes there, and I can shred it afterwards. 

If you want to be more secure, you could always have /tmp be a tmpfs
(aka a ram disk).  Then the data is never stored on a hard drive

Well, excluding swap I suppose.  Nevermind.

Computers are like air conditioners: 
They stop working properly when you open windows.

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
Code Energy, Inc
colet at code-energy.com
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

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