WEB mail

John Chambers jc at trillian.mit.edu
Sun Jan 2 16:28:12 EST 2005

| Any suggestions on web-based email services I can
| access via Mozilla using my wireless connections? In
| particular I'd like to find one that could be accessed
| using a secure link, something I couldn't do with my
| prior ISP even on its webmail link, and if it could be
| done automatically via my Mozilla POP3 services, or
| via an independent secure proxy conection, that would
| be the cat's meow! Free would be nice too.

Do you have a gmail account?   It  works  with  http://  or
https://, and I routinely use the secure link. If you don't
have a gmail account, I can give you one.  (Every  computer
geek oughta have one, right?  ;-)

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