graphics tablet recommendations?

Seth Gordon sethg-Dp9fwfP21SfQT0dZR+AlfA at
Mon Sep 29 11:01:40 EDT 2008

For a while I've wanted to get a graphics tablet, because

(a) there are times when it's easier for me to express myself with 
diagrams than with words, and drawing diagrams with a mouse is teh suck;

(b) I did some cartooning back when I was a kid and thought it might be 
nice to take it up again in my Copious Free Time.

Now I have a little birthday money and I could actually afford to 
indulge myself.

Regarding (a), any recommendations for small Linux-compatible graphics 
tablets? is running a special on the Wacom MTE450 which, at 
least from the specs, looks adequate for my needs.

Regarding (b), are there any good books or Web-based tutorials on 
drawing for the computer that don't assume the student has expensive 
hardware or proprietary software?

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