Android and Linux

jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at
Wed Aug 4 21:05:43 EDT 2010

| On 08/04/2010 01:04 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
| > That said, I carry a spare battery for my Android phone.  Iphone users
| > can carry a spare battery, too, but it won't do them much good.  (I can
| > swap my batteries in a few seconds, with my bare hands!)

One thing I've learned is that my G1 is one of those gadgets  which,  if  you
leave  wi-fi  turn  on  and there's no wi-fi available, drains the battery in
only a few hours as it madly tries probing for wi-fi every N seconds.   So  I
try  to make sure that wi-fi is turned off except when I specifically want to
use it.  Of course, this means no auto-update of pages in  the  Browser,  but
that's  something  I always like to turn off anyway (in the few browsers that
permit turning it off).

 <:#/>  John Chambers
   +   <jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at>
  /#\  <jc1742-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>
  | |

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