[Discuss] WRT Dell trashing their own reputation by offshoring support to India [Was: Justify your existence]

Ben Eisenbraun bene at klatsch.org
Sun Dec 18 08:59:04 EST 2011

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 06:41:04AM -0500, Jay Kramer wrote:
> I am not a big fan of Apple.  However, I purchased an Ipod for my daughter
> over the phone with Apple.   I was amazed that I was talking to what
> sounded to me to be an educated American at Apple.

The couple of times I have called Apple have been fine, but I think Apple's
real advantage is the retail stores. The Genius Bar is one of the main
reasons I recommend Apple products to non-technical people. If they have a
problem, they can make an appointment on Apple's website and drop by the
store to sit down with someone to work through the issue.

Being able to watch a user interact with the product as they are
demonstrating their problem must be invaluable for product design and


if you bring off adequate preservation of your personal myth, nothing
much else in life matters.  it is not what happens to people that is
significant, but what they think happens to them.    <anthony powell>

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