[Discuss] Light Linux Distro for VM usage

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Mon Mar 5 11:27:56 EST 2012

On 03/05/2012 11:20 AM, aldo albanese wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use a light Linux Distro that I can use within Oracle VM box.  My intend is to use it exclusively for browser activities without worry about getting a virus. It should be fast to load and should have all the built in applications like Adobe Flash.  This Distro should work well inside the VM using a 15 Inc. screen laptop.  I have issues with all the distros that I'm testing fitting the entire screen.  Right now tested OpenSuse and Fedora.
> Thanks for your input.
I've used Fedora, OpenSuse, and Ubuntu inside VMs (usually virtualbox)
both on my desktop machine as well as on my laptops. I'm actually giving
a talk at Virtual Deep Dive day next Saturday,
I've never had an issue with the distro fitting the screen. You probably
need to tweak the Display settings as the default sucks. You could look
at things like Mint Linux but I personally prefer a full distro. As far
as Flash is concerned no distro installs Flash by default, but you can
usually get it either from the distro's non-free repo or directly from

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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