[Discuss] smallest board that can handle 32 GB RAM

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Thu May 8 10:59:57 EDT 2014

On 05/08/2014 10:16 AM, Robert Krawitz wrote:
> I have a few monster spreadsheets (whether at least one of them should 
> be a spreadsheet is a good question, but that's neither here nor 
> there). With 16GB on my laptop, it pages. 

Whether it should be a spreadsheet maybe is point: we use modern 
quantities of memory by "wasting" it. But, if you have it, why not? Do 
graphics one-pixel-per-spreadsheet-cell, if you want.

What was once a supercomputer locked away for use by appointment for 
Important Projects is now something that gets shoved in front of a 
sticky baby to try to entertain the little tike a few minutes more. And 
mom swears it is worth it, insists it is an important project.

-kb, the Kent who is still stunned to try to appreciate how much 16GB of 
RAM is.

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