[Discuss] SSH port forwarding through middleman (bastion host)

Bill Ricker bill.n1vux at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 00:39:30 EDT 2016

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:04 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) <
greg at freephile.com> wrote:

> Yes, the -L xxxx:host:xxxx form is the command-line option syntax.  I put
> the configuration in my .ssh/config file so that I don't have to type out
> the options.

​I've been doing exactly this sort of port forwarding to access Docker
containers within a cloud VM, in ~/.ssh/config , as you describe. Allows
tunneling different ports to different ultimate targets through a single
tunnel too.
Use -N -f to put tunnel in  background w/o interactive shell on Bastion;
i don't do that in the Config tho since sometimes i want a shell.

There's a second option: *ssh and netcat as a proxy*, which i use when i
may want a shell on the inner box instead of on the outer (meaning leaving
off -N -f options) -- ​again in ~/.ssh/config :

​Host inner-container-tunnel
   User me
   ProxyCommand ssh -q bastion_or_host nc -q0
   LocalForward localhost:5432  pg_container:5432
​where is the inner container address ... iirc, can be a local
host name if bastion has DNS for the containers, inner hosts etc ...​

​Even if not doing any shells, this keeps together any connections
eventually-fanning-out to other servers for two hops.​

​See also ...

Bill Ricker
bill.n1vux at gmail.com

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