[HH] Artisan's Asylum's "makerspace" Public Opening

Kurt Keville kkeville at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 4 08:02:05 EST 2011


> What was the parking like? (Being a suburbanite, parking is always top
> of mind. :-) )

Very good... if you look on Google Maps, all of those lots on Tyler st. go with the building...

>> I think what these guys have going for them is location and anchor
>> tenants...
> Anchor tenants? Can you elaborate?

SCUL, if you are familiar with them, appears to be renting 4000 sq ft or thereabouts... that represents a pretty healthy, steady volume of bicycle repair...

>> ...they were just too far from their constituency... http://builderati.com/
>> AFAICT, you have to be within biking distance...
> Who do you see as the primary constituency? To me it seems like
> something that wouldn't have a strong geographic component. You would
> draw amateur artists and hobbyists from the affluent communities, and
> professional artists, builders (trades people), and student hackers from
> the lest affluent communities.

Well, Somerville is second only to NYC in artist density ... (seriously, http://www.somervillema.gov/about-somerville) so I would have to say it was probably 90% artists ... I know there are some folks who have a business there but yeah, lots of artists... people who would classify themselves as artists rather than something else at any rate...

> (Do they have a box brake and a shear for doing sheet metal work?)

Very impressive metal shop... brakes and various Bridgeports etc... they may have pictures up by today... 
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