[HH] Arduino board programmed with an audio file

Jack Coats jack at coats.org
Thu Jan 5 11:40:18 EST 2012

In all fairness, I am just as ancient.  My first 'computer' was a Digicomp-1
My first home built was a set of match boxes with M&M's setup to solve
tic-tac-toe by learning (I ate the mistakes)
My first electronic computer was an Altair 8800 kit.  I used it with a
SWTP TV Typewriter II, and a Heathkit dot matrix printer.
A friend had a Kim-1 but I didn't.

The Altair was purchased with my first paycheck, from my first full
time 'real job' after college.

I had it until I got rid of it after getting married several years
later and wife got me to 'dump my junk I don't use'.  Still wish I had
it.  I did notice the one in the Computer Museum in Boston has a
higher serial number than mine did.

Oh well ... I do like the Arduino mainly because it is enticing a new
generation into computers, control systems, and learning.

... Later.

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