[HH] ideas are cheap

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 17:46:07 EDT 2012

Drew Van Zandt wrote:
> The owner loved it, and thought it would make a
> ton of money for us.
> And then did nothing with it.


This exemplifies a good lesson in entrepreneurship. I often see young
entrepreneurs caught up in keeping their ideas secrete, using NDAs, and
getting consumed with the notion of chasing after patents.

After some seasoning you come to realize that ideas are actually pretty
cheap and plentiful. The more rare skill is executing on ideas. (And
having the motivation and energy to do it.)

If you are good at that, and can build a team to do it well, then you'll
be successful, regardless. If the idea you started with gets stolen,
you'll do it better. If the idea hits a road block, you'll pivot.


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