[HH] update on Othermill

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 14:28:05 EDT 2013

The guys at Tested interview Martine Neider, an engineer from Othermill[1]:


I was hoping they'd show a nice demo of one milling some aluminum, but
they only thing they showed was a PCB being milled. (They showed a bunch
of items that had been milled previously, mostly things from machining
wax and the silicone molds made from the wax positives.)

They talk a bit about the CNC routers and milling equipment they use to
make the Othermill. (They're working out of "Otherlab", which sounds a
lot like Bolt[2], a hardware startup incubator.)

The interviewer (Will) says he didn't think consumer CNC mills existed
prior to Othermill. While Othermill might be the smallest and most
desktop friendly, there have certainly been inexpensive, bench-top CNC
mills or CNC conversion kits for non-CNC mills dating back many years.

They mention their "Othercam" software, which will consume the
instructions for your milling projects and run an on-screen simulation
(including an animated spindle head you can watching moving about) so
you can see if it will produce the results you want. I'm not sure how
unique that is.

The company is renaming itself to Othermachine (othermachine.co) so it
can expand into other desktop CNC machines (I don't think they specified


1. Mentioned previously on the list:

2. http://www.mail-archive.com/hardwarehacking@blu.org/msg00910.html

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