[HH] hack your GE appliances (with a Green Bean maker module)

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 03:54:03 EDT 2014

Mentioned in µNews[1] (a YouTube show on embedded hardware), GE has
released a small interface board, known as the "Green Bean maker module":


The board connects to the appliance via an RJ45 cable (not Ethernet) and
then has a USB connector to attach to your controlling device (laptop,
Raspberry Pi). Code on Github (uses node.js):


Example code illustrates how to read the cycle status from a dishwasher,
start a cook mode on an oven, receive a temperature alert from a
refrigerator, receive an end-of-cycle alert from a clothes dryer, or
adjusting the temperature on a hot water heater.

Pretty cool that a mainstream appliance manufacturer is supporting this
sort of open API.


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrdQSKUiU2Q

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