[HH] Intel Edison

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 17:11:40 EDT 2014

Make Magazine does an unboxing of the Intel Edison:

It's the same SoC as in the Intel Galileo, but mounted on a tiny carrier
board meant to dock onto your own custom motherboard. The kit they unbox
ships with a motherboard that has Arduino shield compatible connectors.

They show the Edison along side a Raspberry Pi compute module,
illustrating that the Edison is about 1/2 the size. Left unexplained is
how the Edison gets all its I/Os passed to the motherboard through its
tiny connector. Does it rely on a multiplexer on the motherboard? Or is
the connector super dense? (Hard to tell with the limited resolution of
the video.)

One of the comments clarifies that it is the latter, "The connector is
is a Hirose DF40 connector, which is widely available, though I doubt
anyone could hand solder them..."


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