[HH] Intel Edison

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 21:14:01 EDT 2014

SparkFun goes into more detail in their video:

including close ups of the connector.

They point out that all the I/Os are 1.8V, not 5V, so you'll need level
shifters in most cases.

SparkFun has created a bunch of Edison-specific peripheral boards that
are stackable. They call them SparkFun Blocks. They include: USB
console, USB host, GPIO, H-Bridge motor controller, 64x64 mono OLED
display, gyro/magnetometer, PWM server controller, 12-bit ADC, uSD card,
I2C, etc. Lots of I/O packed into a small space.

I'm a bit surprised to see SparkFun invest so heavily in this platform
(has the Galileo gotten popular?), especially in the variation primarily
intended to be integrated into custom motherboards.


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