[HH] drive two monitors with a Raspberry Pi

Nuno Sucena Almeida nuno at aeminium.org
Thu Sep 11 07:19:43 EDT 2014

On 09/11/2014 06:55 AM, Federico Lucifredi wrote:
>> The VGA expansion board, “is likely to have issues with EMC,” which means this probably won’t be a product.
> Can anyone explain this?
> Best -F

A bunch of digital I/O switching at high speed will propagate beyond the
PCB. Due to the square wave nature of the signals , it will create a lot
of harmonics and by consequence the electro-magnetic radiation will span
a lot of spectrum. If you look at the PCB, there's no shielding at all.
It's a poor mans DAC with all the guts on a PCB.



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