[HH] BoXZY CNC machine

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 22:20:01 EDT 2015

Have you been holding off buying a 3D printer? Now you can get a box
that does 3D printing, laser engraving, and CNC milling.


  Introducing BoXZY, the most versatile desktop fabrication device on
  the market. We built BoXZY so you can do more, better. This
  triple-threat tool combines a 3D Printer, CNC Mill, and Laser Engraver
   ­in one compact cube. By utilizing the quick-change heads, any maker
  can shape a block of aluminum, hardwood, or plastic into intricate
  designs; 3D print complex plastic shapes; or laser engrave into
  objects made of wood, leather or plastic.

Currently crowdfunded to $700K of an $50K goal.

They were selling a limited run of discounted units for $1400 ~ $1600,
but the current tier is going for $2000 with two of the 3 possible
heads, or $2500 for all 3 heads.

Granted all 3 devices need a mechanism to position a head on X-Y-Z axes,
but how much are you compromising by combining these tools. Is the 3D
filament printing going to be state of the art, or an after thought?
(I'd be more inclined to accept the idea of combining the CNC mill and
laser engraver as swappable heads on a shared platform while not
compromising either by much. At least not relative to what you'd get
from spending $1000 on each device separately.)

They include pictures of the aluminum housing for the product being cut
on a water jet. I'll be impressed when one of these desktop
manufacturing devices not only has the capacity and precision to make
the parts for replicating itself, but also the speed to make it
practical. :-)  (Yeah, I know early Makerbots could partially

I'd be curious to know more about the 935 watt (1.25hp) Makita milling
head they are using.


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