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Long Lasting Linux Laptops?

OK, I tracked down the hardcore solution for more battery life. This from a
review in the April 2000 issue of _Portable Computing_ magazine...

The PowerPad 160, by Electrofuel, is an external battery that will "give your
laptop battery an eleven to sixteen hour boost". It's a battery pack that you
can put under your laptop while you use it, with "dimensions similar to a 
ledger pad" (why can't a reviewer *give* the dimensions?). It's flat, in a
magnesium case, looks to be about the size of a Compaq Presario but less than
1/3 the thickness. It takes about four hours to charge, and you just plug your
laptop A.C. power connecter into the PowerPad 160 (so it must have an internal
inverter). The reviewer used it continuously for 13 hours running a Thinkpad
600 to watch DVDs and play video games without running out of juice. The
review cites a price of $500, and a website: .

"We, too, who look upon the loom are deafened; and only when we escape it 
shall we hear the thousand voices that speak through it....  Ah, mortal! 
then, be heedful; for so, in all this din of the great world's loom, thy 
subtlest thinkings may be overheard afar."  - Herman Melville, _Moby Dick_
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