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java on linux

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Tom Guilderson wrote:

> Since our shop is moving towards java as the development
> language of choice; I need to come up with the right tools
> for the linux platform.
> What jdk and jre?

I've used Sun and IBM implementations w/o any problems. I find myself
using Sun's more often -- couldn't tell you why. ;)

> Also if I want to have different jdk's and jre's living on the same 
> system for testing purposes, how difficult? Anyone have any experience 
> with this?

Not yet! ;) Mostly a matter of tweeking paths or environment variables to
use the one you want.

I also found Borland/Inprise/Whatever-they're-called-this-week's JBuilder
very useful. I've always been a big fan of designing UIs with a GUI rather
than coding them by hand, and it does an excellent job -- especially if
you're not familiar with the whole "packing widgets" thing. ;)

Niall Kavanagh, niall at
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