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Linux Friendly ISP

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Billy SG McCarthy wrote:

> I tried checking the archives for this question, but
> couldn't seem to find the archives on the BLU site, so
> here it is, probably again for some.
> I couldn't seem to find a  Free ISP that's friendly to
> linux, so I decided to suck it up and just pay for it.
>  I'm having trouble finding that even.  Mostly because
> I can't really think of any besides AOL and Earthlink.

I had earthlink about 4 or 5 years back and used it with Linux without any
problems.  You need to have windows to initially set up the account,
unless you have them set it up for you (i.e. you don't use their
easy-to-use software to set it up for you).

Same goes for AT&T Worldnet.

Neither expressly support Linux, but you can get it to work. Actually
Earthlink did have people on-board that knew about Linux and were able to
help me get it working.  I don't know how much luck you'll have finding
any ISPs that specifically support Linux, but I have heard of such an
animal.  I don't think any of the large ISPs will officially, but if
you're patient you may find that their tech support staff does have Linux
Geeks that can help you get your connection set up.

However, I haven't used dial-up in well over a year now, so this info may
not hold true any longer.

Derek Martin
Senior System Administrator
Mission Critical Linux
martin at 

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