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Thanks for reading this.

I've just gotten the last, no-denying-it denial of ADSL service for
my house, so I've signed up for RoadRunner.

I'm going to search the archives, but I've some questions that might
not be there.  All advice welcome, of course.

1. What cable modems will work with RoadRunner? The AT&T salesman gave me a 
list of manufacturers, but said he didn't have any model numbers, so I need 
any info I can get.  Since they charge $10 less/month if I
supply the modem, this is really important to me.

2. Is there a FAQ or HOWTO specific to the MediaOne/AT&T setup? I'm
going to put a Linux firewall in front of the RR modem, and I want to get it 
right the first time.

3. Do they block any ports? I'm going to have a VPN for work-at-home, so 
this is a big concern to me.

4. What are the actual speeds users can expect?

Again, all suggestions welcome. Thank you.

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