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Jerry Feldman wrote:

> I've had my cable modem for over 4.5 years. I have a LanCity supplied by
> AT&T BB.

Do you think buying your own is worth it? For the ones they sell at Circui
City, it's a ~2 year payback, but ebay prices range from $30 and up.

> AT&T BB uses standard dhcp to supply you with your IP address. My
> SuSE Linux works out of the box with DHCLIENT.

I take it that PPPOE isn't used?

> I currently use a Linksys router because I have up to 6 computers in the
> house which
> might be online at any one time (3 Linux, 3 Windows).

What are the plusses and minuses of using Linksys instead of a Linux firewall?

> I used to have several good FAQs specific to Mediaone, but those URLs no
> longer
> work. They do not block any ports except possibly those associated with
> netbuei. I run Apache as well as sendmail.

If you come across any, please post them.

> I specifically turn off telnet, ftp, talk and a few more.

Because of security alone, or for other reasons too? Do you allow ssh?



> On 25 May 2001, at 15:07, William Warren wrote:
> > Thanks for reading this.
> >
> > I've just gotten the last, no-denying-it denial of ADSL service for
> > my house, so I've signed up for RoadRunner.
> >
> > I'm going to search the archives, but I've some questions that might
> > not be there.  All advice welcome, of course.
> >
> > 1. What cable modems will work with RoadRunner? The AT&T salesman gave
> > me a
> > list of manufacturers, but said he didn't have any model numbers, so I
> > need
> > any info I can get.  Since they charge $10 less/month if I
> > supply the modem, this is really important to me.
> >
> > 2. Is there a FAQ or HOWTO specific to the MediaOne/AT&T setup? I'm
> > going to put a Linux firewall in front of the RR modem, and I want to
> > get it
> > right the first time.
> >
> > 3. Do they block any ports? I'm going to have a VPN for work-at-home, so
> >
> > this is a big concern to me.
> >
> > 4. What are the actual speeds users can expect?
> >
> > Again, all suggestions welcome. Thank you.
> >
> >
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> Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
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