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Pricing old server hardware

Hi Drew:

Some popular ways to get pricing ideas:

1) Search ebay

2) Search google and look for any links relating to used equipment

3) Search yahoo shopping and see if any used equipment links appear

4) Search (now google) and see if anyone is selling something

Hope that helps.


On Thu, 31 May 2001, Drew Taylor wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have a friend with an old Dell PowerEdge 2200 that I'm looking to buy,
> but neither one of us know what it's worth. Any pointers on pricing old
> hardware? The specs are:
> 1x PII 333 (dual capable), 64MB RAM (2x32MB ECC EDO), SCSI CD-ROM, 3 SCSI
> drives (4.5 GB @7200RPM). I don't think it's worth too much because 128MB
> RAM is $175 and it has no IDE controller so I'd have to buy one for my MP3
> collection.
> Any help would be most appreciated.
> Drew Taylor
> mailto:drew at
> -
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