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Reputable laptop repair/service in Andover

Hi gang,

I know a variety of this question was asked just a few weeks ago, but I can't 
find my notes and I think my question is just a smidge different :).  A young 
lady friend of mine has a Compaq Presario from circa1998 with 32M in it and is 
asking me how to make it go faster.  Memory's certainly a good start.  Anybody 
know of a good place in the Andover vicinity where she can get such things 
taken care of without getting taken advantage of?  She's recently moved into a 
new place, so money is a concern for her.  I don't know if I should just send 
her to Best Buy or CompUSA (where they're probably reputable but will charge a 
fortune) or pick a "consultant" out of the yellow pages who might well tell 
her all the wrong things in order to beef up the bill.

Thanks!  Sorry there's no Linux in this email but you're the only group I know 
that might have a good, quick answer that I can trust.


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