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Thanks to the hints and pointers from the people on Boston Linux User Group (BLU) mailing list, I successfully started running Apache on my server last light. What follows is a "HOWTO" which I have compiled for configuration and running Apache in RedHat Linux 7.2. Any plan for setting up a depository a "HOWTO's" on BLU website? >>Ali taalebi at ai.mit.eud ======================================================== A "HOWTO" for running Apache webserver in RedHat Linux 7.2 Dec. 5, 2001 ali at ai.mit.edu After you install RedHat 7.2 and reboot your Linux box, Apache webserver will NOT automatically start due to the reasons which will become clear to you later. So you need to take the following steps to solve the problem. 1. Login as "root" and try to open the following URL in your browser: http://localhost or You will observe that your browser CANNOT open any of these URL's. PS: or localhost are the "local loop-back address" of your machine that you can use for testing your web server without any need for internet access. 2. Open the Apache configuration file: /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf in your favorite editor and look for the line which start which "ServerName" in that file, (no "" of course). You will find the commented-out line which reads: #ServerName localhost This is why your apache server did NOT start in the first place! You need to remove the "#" from that line and save your file. PS: The real location of the Apache configuration file "httpd.conf" may vary in other distributions. However, you can easily find it by running: locate httpd.conf (searches the files in the database) or find / -name httpd.cof -print (takes longer but is conclusive) 3. You can check to see if Apache web server is running by using: ps -elf | grep httpd Of course you will NOT see any httpd process yet. 4. Start Apache web server by running: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start Try to open one of the URL's mentioned. You still CANNOT open them, darn! 5. Open "httpd.conf" in your editor, find the line which reads #DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" remove the "#", and save the file! PS: The "DocumentRoot" entry line sets the directory for static HTML pages. 6. Because you have made a change in your httpd.conf, you need to restart your Apache server by running: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart so your changes take effect. PS: Using "restart" is the same as running the following two commands: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop and /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start 7. Try again to open: or http://localhost Both should work now!! They will open the Apache test page, /var/www/html/index.html PS: Don't be disappointed if you cannot open the links in this test page because RahHat has forgotten to put-in or link those files, oops!! 8. You can change your default static page directory, namely "/var/www/html", to anything you want by modifying the "DecumentRoot" line and all of its occurrences in your httpd.conf configuration file. 9. If your have obtained a qualified domain name, you should modify your "ServerName" line for your domin name, for example. ServerName "www.YourCompany.com". 10. And finally, check the Apache logs in /etc/httpd/logs to see if there are any errors logged. Note: RedHat Linux 7.2 can install Apache version 1.3.20 for you. However, you can always install the latest version of Apache on your distribution by downloading it from www.apache.org which has the corresponding README and INSTALL files. Ali Taalebi Dec. 5, 2001 ali at ai.mit.edu ============================================================================
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