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strange gethostsbyname error...

The quesry should be a local query since it should read /etc/hosts and 
succeed. By bracketing the call you effectively reset the query. It's a 
stab in the dark. 
Also, you might write a separate test program to simulate the traffic. 

Gerring the value of h_errno is certainly very important. There may also be 
a bug in the netdb set of functions. 
On 18 Jun 2002 at 14:51, Frank Ramsay wrote:

> the gethostbyname call starts to fail about a 1/2 hour after the server 
> software is taken down for the night.  I got the client to agree to let me 
> test with it for the day so we're running one right now with h_errno being 
> printed out via hstrerror but it's going to be about 20 minutes until it 
> starts to fail.
> Now could this have anything to do with the TCP socket being open on one 
> system and closed on the other?  Or when the socket times out?  I'm asking 
> because currently there is still a socket connection on the Linux box from 
> when the server code was up and running on the AS/400.
> When it looses the connection to the server it runs this procedure every two 
> or three seconds:
> {
> gethostbyname
> socket(AF_INET...)
> setsocketopt(...SO_SNDBUF...)
> setsocketopt(...SO_RCVBUF...)
> connect
> setsocketopt(...SO_REUSEADDR...)
> setsocketopt(...SO_KEEPALIVE...)
> send handshake message
> }
> but as I said, after about a 1/2 hour gethostbyname starts to fail.
> >From: "Jerry Feldman" <gerald.feldman at>
> >To: discuss at
> >Subject: Re: strange gethostsbyname error...
> >Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:21:39 -0400
> >
> >How often does this occur? Does this occur every day?
> >Again, without having any additional analysis, if it occurs several times a
> >day, then bracketing the gethostbyname() function might help, since it
> >effectively opens the local host database.
> >On 18 Jun 2002 at 14:03, Frank Ramsay wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > typoe on my part.  it says files.  (hard to concentrate with the client
> > > walking in every five minutes asking if it's fixed yet.
> >
> >--
> >Jerry Feldman
> >Enterprise Systems Group
> >Hewlett-Packard Company
> >200 Forest Street MRO1-3/F1
> >Marlboro, Ma. 01752
> >508-467-4315
> >
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