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I always set my forwarders to be my ISP's servers.

Less hops to the roots and I am sure they have a larger cache than me. 
Over all it causes less internet traffic and is probably the best
practice in this case.

On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 10:39, Derek D. Martin wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> At some point hitherto, Rob Ransbottom hath spake thusly:
> > > DNS servers? I've seen a number of people do that, and I've always felt
> > > that that was pointless. The only external nameservers your nameserver 
> > > needs to know about are the root nameservers.
> > 
> > Yeah, but why heat up a hot spot?
> Because that's how DNS is INTENDED to work.  You needn't worry about
> overloading the root servers; they can handle the load.  By using
> them, each time you look up a name in a particular domain, you do only
> one short query to the root servers, and they refer you to the right
> name server for that domain.  Most of the queries they perform will be
> cached in memory, so performance is good.  The root servers are
> maintained such that they're operating at a little less than half
> capacity.
> Plus, during the short time I used them, I always found M1's DNS
> servers to be slow.  And when I have a problem with MY DNS server
> (which is basically never), I have only myself to rely upon to fix the
> problem.  I don't need to wait for them to fix it...
> - -- 
> Derek Martin               ddm at    
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