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Help finding device...

On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Derek Martin wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 09:21:25PM -0500, Scott Ehrlich wrote:
> > Turns out it was the Window manager (KDE, among others) which present a
> > pre-screen of services starting.  One of those services was attacking the
> > audio device.
> That's what I figured, but this might not be undesireable.  It was
> probably artsd, which is a sound daemon to let multiple applications
> use the sound device at the same time.  This might be considered a
> good thing...  For example, you can play OGG files, and still have the
> system event sounds play.  Many people regard this as a good thing.
> The trick is, you need to make all your sound applications go through
> artsd...  XMMS, for example, comes with an artsd plugin to enable that
> kind of behavior.  But you need to configure it in the options menu.

Remember - the error was occuring during the init phase of the window
manager startup screen, long before it would allow me access to my

> > I've since switched to fvwm95, no services to get in the way of the audio,
> > and all is now working fine.
> This is also a solution.  But if you like KDE, or if you have an
> interest in the above, it may not be the best one.

I do like/prefer KDE2, and did track down artsd, chmod'd it to ugo-x,
reran KDE2, and it works fine.

> > Thanks for the good testing steps.   I'll hold onto them.  I've also
> > learned a lot about the difference beteween lspci and dmesg.
> No problem.  ;-)
> --
> Derek D. Martin
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