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Denial is just a river in Egypt! On Saturday, September 19^th , Bill Horne is celebrating his 49^th birthday, starting a tradition of wishful thinking that he intends to continue into his second childhood. Bill has decided that February is a terrible month for a birthday, and from now on he'll celebrate it when the weather is nice. In addition, Bill has decided that from now on his age will be "Forty-Nine - and Holding". The place: Bill & Susan's house, 43 Deerfield Road, Sharon Massachusetts <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=43+Deerfield+Rd,+Sharon,+MA+02067&sll=42.110889,-71.142858&sspn=0.00788,0.017402&ie=UTF8&ll=42.113537,-71.142418&spn=0.007879,0.017402&z=16&iwloc=A> (click on the address for the Google map). The Date: September 19th, 2009, rain or shine. The time: From Eleven AM until whenever. RSVP 781-784-7287. BYOB. Your contributions of side dishes will be welcome^1 . We'll provide barbecue tools and raw meat, but you should know that Bill believes in cooking by waving the meat over the fire until it catches and burns, so there might be a contest to appoint a designated grill man. Thanks for being a friend! The Hornes 1.) please leave out eggs.
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