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Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Doc Searls Returns

Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Doc Searls returns to the BLU for our first 2010 meeting. We don't yet
> have an abstract...

I see from his blog:

that he is promoting this FCC event today:

   The Internet has become an unprecedented, global platform for
   commerce, unleashing the power of American innovators and driving
   economic growth and job creation. This workshop will examine how the
   Internet's openness affects the ability of network operators, Internet
   content and application providers, and other Internet technology
   developers to innovate and to drive investment, job creation, and
   economic growth throughout the Internet ecosystem. These issues will
   be explored from the diverse perspectives of innovators and
   entrepreneurs, investors, network operators and equipment vendors, and
   experts in Internet innovation and investment.

which is being held at MIT and streamed live at 4:30 PM. As far as I can 
tell, Doc isn't participating in person, but submitted an essay to the 


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile:

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We also thank MIT for the use of their facilities.

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