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[Discuss] Google wants images of my passport, driver's license, bank statement, etc.

> From: at [mailto:discuss-
> at] On Behalf Of blu
> Farewell google.  What else can I say?  Seriously.

Heyyy!!!  That worked!  I didn't upload the docs, and my account has been reinstated.

So, in summary, here's what I learned:

#1  Yes there is a google play (android market) help forum; you just can't get there by going to google play.  

For all of google support, start at  
I mean ... If you go to Google Play, then there is no path to find the Google Play Support page.  But it definitely exists.  How stupid is that?   ;-)

"Support" isn't even one of the options under the "More" tab...  Seems like a major omission.   ;-)

#2  If your account is on hold (you're being prompted for verification driver's license, passport, bank statements, etc) call the Google Wallet support number, or use Click 2 Call, to have them call you.  Explain nicely to whoever you get, that you are seeing the Account Verification page requesting your driver's license, passport, bank statements, etc.  You don't know why your account is on hold, you don't want to give out these types of documents, etc.  Expect them to tell you there is no workaround, you simply have to do it, and they won't tell you why.  And ask them what escalation options you have.  "Seriously, I'm banned for life?  And you won't tell me why?  And based on this, I'm expected to submit personal information about myself?  Can't I talk to a manager or something?"

The person I talked to sent me an email, and told me, when I reply to the email, my response will automatically get entered into the support notes for this case, and will be reviewed by the second level support person.  I replied the same day, with all the explanation I could think of.

Two days later (maybe three) I got a response from the second level person, saying my account has been verified, taken off hold, and I'm now permitted to make purchases through google wallet again.

I was skeptical, and I tested it before I said Thank You.    ;-)

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