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[Discuss] LDAP at Installfest

On 12/03/2012 05:22 PM, Will Rico wrote:
> I received this query from someone who isn't on this mailing list, but interested in attending Saturday's Installfest.  Any suggestions for how to reply to him?  See below:
>> Do you know if anyone at the next install fest knows LDAP?
>> If so, would it be acceptable for me to bring a server and a client to
>> get help installing / configuring the server as a gateway (public /
>> private nics for internal and internet) with
>> services?
>> We are ready to toss our old network, and I would really rather go
>> Linux that Windows.
I've been involved with LDAP, but primarily from the client side.
Certainly, the advantage of ldap is that you can have both Windows and
Linux clients.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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