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[Discuss] How do Linux guys back up Windows?

As I see the issue is there are 3 separate backup issues.
1. Backing up the OS which really requires ghosting using clonezilla or
2. file by file backup. This essentially can be easily automated over a
network by CPP and many other products.
3. Registry. The registry is covered by #1, but the registry changes
over time also.  This I see as the messiest issue in that a registry
failure can render a system totally unusable. #1 solves this, but you
are probably not going to want to ghost all that often. So, you really
want to have a backup system that can easily restore the registry but
can be run more frequently than clonezilla.

One question. On a multi-boot system, can you use dd(1) to clone the
Windows partition so it can be restored to a workable condition.
Certainly this is probably not an option for a standalone Windows system.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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