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[Discuss] linux on usb stick


I'm working on building a linux system running off a USB memory stick. 
In doing so, I'm using the various live CD fedora distributions to test 
how well this works. One bit which I've come across is that for some 
reason, the overlay partition or whatever the file system is which holds 
the read/writable root partition is limited to only 4 gigabytes, which 
makes doing updates to the OS rather frustrating. With the Fedora Live 
CD running gnome or the Feodra Live CD MATE desktop spin, after doing a 
'yum update' I basically chew up all the space on /.

I'm using the command line tool livecd-iso-to-disk tool. The help pages 
say that one can create an overly to allow for making changes to the OS 
once booted and that its limited to 4 gigabytes, but that's if your 
using a vfat parition. I'm assuming its using ext4 partition which 
shouldn't have that limit.

Anyway, any help in getting around this restriction would be great.

Thanks. Steve.

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