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[Discuss] network issue

Just to cover all bases:

You ran "ifconfig eth0 up" to bring up the Ethernet interface, and that got its ip address via dhcp, correct?

This gets you the ip address, which enables you to reach other machines on the same subnet, but it does *NOT* set the default route for you.

Did you set the default route by running "route add --net default gw ROUTER-ADDRESS"?

On Mar 14, 2014, at 5:12 AM, John Abreau <abreauj at> wrote:

> On Mar 13, 2014, at 7:25 PM, dan moylan <jdm at> wrote:
>> however, when i enter sudo ifconfig eth0 up, i get connected
>> to the LAN, and can ssh into the other linux computer on the
>> LAN, but can't see out -- frustrating.
> Sounds to me like the default route is messed up. 
> If you're setting it correctly on the command line, then maybe NetworkManager is noticing your changes and automatically changing them back to the wrong settings. I had a similar issue a few years ago while installing a new server where an overly aggressive NetworkManager daemon was ultimately the culprit, and I had to disable NetworkManager to get networking to function correctly.

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