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[Discuss] raid controller drivers

use UUIDs .... I know, I know.

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at] On Behalf Of Richard Pieri
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 2:29 PM
To: discuss at
Subject: Re: [Discuss] raid controller drivers

On 9/24/2014 2:22 PM, Joe Polcari wrote:
> I can't give you the exact steps off the top of my head, too dependent on
> google lately, but all you have to do once the correct driver is loaded is
> add the module to your initrd. On RH you can mkinitrd or you can actually
> the process manually.

And watch it panic on some future reboot because the Linux kernel
enumerates the disks in a different order and can't find its root file
system. Been there, gave up fighting with stupid device enumeration.

Rich P.
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