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[Discuss] Fwd: Hey FCC, Don't Lock Down Our Wi-Fi Routers | WIRED

My point is, for the geek, having upgradable hardware is a doable
personal project, so this FCC potential ruling is not a death knell.

For the general consumer, well they seldom if ever upgrade microcode
and have displayed a propensity to purchase a new shiny trinket rather
than try to upgrade.

Not everyone, but most consumers, or they wouldn't keep selling more
routers than we have people in the country!

I figure that the feds will be disabling any updates to phones
eventually once they realize that it doesn't take a genius to
update/change/modify them too.

On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Rich Pieri <richard.pieri at> wrote:
> On 11/8/2015 11:40 AM, Michael Tiernan wrote:
>> I've always wondered why no one produces a cheaper unit without
>> functioning firmware, just a basic web interface (or better USB) that
>> says "Load your own and have at it."
> Economy of scale. You can't have cheaper without the general consumer market
> buying into it. The general consumer market won't buy hobbyist DIY kit.
> --
> Rich P.
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