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[Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- Subject: [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: richard.pieri at (Rich Pieri)
- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 15:17:49 -0400
- In-reply-to: <>
- References: <> <> <> <> <>
On 4/28/2016 4:28 AM, Bill Bogstad wrote: > So memory was shared? between the QBBs? This sounds more like a NUMA > architecture environment. What would you say are the differences > between this definition > of SSI and NUMA? In a NUMA machine, memory is directly attached to the CPUs but not all of that memory is local to each CPU. Galaxy wasn't NUMA. Each QBB was NUMA: 4 processors with 512MB local to each with the rest being non-local but still directly attached. Memory in one QBB was not directly attached to the processors in other QBBs; it was shared via software over a fibre data bus. -- Rich P.
- Follow-Ups:
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: bogstad at (Bill Bogstad)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- References:
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: smallm at (Mike Small)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: dsr at (Dan Ritter)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: jack at (Jack Coats)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: richard.pieri at (Rich Pieri)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
- From: bogstad at (Bill Bogstad)
- [Discuss] Whence distributed operating systems?
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