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[Discuss] How Daylight Saving Time Messes With Hospitals

On Tue, 06 Nov 2018 23:20:08 +0000
Mike Small <smallm at> wrote:

> If database programmers would only always use UTC for their storage

If hospitals and doctors from the 2000s and 1990s and 1980s and 1970s
and 1960s and 1950s and... only always used UTC for their records...
but they didn't.

> format and translate as necessary for presentation it wouldn't be so
> bad, but I guess in your example case it's too late now.

It's not just my example case. An EMR system today has to accomodate
not only data today but data spanning the entire lifetimes of patients
with all of the inconsistencies of different paper records and
procedures and EMRs and timekeeping. And it's impossible to unify
because the information needed to unify those records does not exist,
never did.

Rich Pieri