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[Discuss] RMS in the news

Similarly for me with vi. I've been using vi since my first UNIX system in
1983, a PDP-11/34a running BSD Unix 2.8.

I absolutely *hate* vim. When I install a new Linux system, one of the
first add-ons I install is nvi, which is not a reimplementation like vim,
but rather is derived from the BSD code base that I grew up with.

When I use vim for anything non-trivial, I almost always run into cases
where some functionality that my fingers know turns out to be missing, and
cases where some bizarre mode that my fingers don't know about gets invoked
inadvertently and I have no clue what it is or how to exit from it.

When I use nvi, neither of those frustrating annoyances occur.

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 4:23 PM Kent Borg <kentborg at> wrote:

> On 9/19/19 11:13 AM, Bill Horne wrote:
> > RMS has left us the FSF, the GNU organization, and Emacs (which I use
> > every day): we owe him a lot, both as a society and as a group, and I
> > hope we can keep in mind the immense weight of his achievements on the
> > balance of his life.
> I use emacs whenever I use my computer. In a sense I hate emacs, but it
> is what my fingers know.
> -kb
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