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[Discuss] RMS

Marco Milano wrote: 
> On 9/26/19 12:17 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Joe Polcari wrote:
> > > You?re counting?
> > 
> > I didn't recognize his name, so I asked my mail client. I can
> > count to three pretty quickly.
> > 
> > -dsr-
> How is the number of emails to the email list
> is related to anything?
> Are you saying that unless you are constantly on the
> email list, you have no credibility??

Nope. I'm saying that I give this person no credibility based on their
actual words in that actual message, and I am not inclined to cut them
slack based on their long and honorable history of making other worthwhile
contributions to the list, so I plonked. I'm sorry I was unclear.


(everyone else is welcome to get in the last word; this 
will be my last message on this thread)