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[Discuss] Not Able to Access Fedoraforum Within Home Comcast Network

On 12/5/19 12:31 PM, jbk wrote:
> On 12/5/19 8:00 AM, jbk wrote:
>> On 12/4/19 8:47 PM, jbk wrote:
>>> On 12/4/19 7:56 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
>>>> Dan Ritter wrote:
>>>>> jbk wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/4/19 5:15 AM, Steven Santos wrote:
>>>>>>> try a different dns.
>>>>>>> It was unreachable with the comcast dns.
>>>>>>> Works fine with and opendns
>>>>>> Changing dns server has not succeeded yet. How long 
>>>>>> should I expect to wait
>>>>>> before new server provides results?
>>>>> 60 seconds, max.
>>>> is the IP I resolved.
>>>> It appears to be a cPanel controlled virtual server, 
>>>> owned by
>>>> Endurance, which, interestingly, has offices in 
>>>> Burlington and
>>>> Waltham. Oh -- they're the corporate parent of Constant 
>>>> Contact,
>>>> Hostgator, Sitebuilder, and a bunch of others.
>>>> The connectivity is via Cogent, and that might or might 
>>>> not be
>>>> the issue: Cogent has a history of getting into spats 
>>>> with other
>>>> major ISPs; it wouldn't be too surprising if there was 
>>>> a game of
>>>> one-upsmanship going on between Comcast and Cogent. But 
>>>> I don't
>>>> know, I'm just speculating.
>>>> -dsr-
>>> That ip agrees with what I found. The thing is I can 
>>> access Fedoraforum at work through a comcast modem with 
>>> no trouble. I've tried the google dns and opendns 
>>> without success so far.
>>> Is there any possibility that my dd-wrt router could be 
>>> blocking a single address w/o me actively blocking a 
>>> particular site? Since I'm bridged that is the direction 
>>> the finger is going to point when comcasts tech comes so 
>>> I'd really like to nip that in the bud. 

Backing up I should note that I do run dnsmasq on my router, 
but as I understand it only caches local addresses. It can 
be set to block content but other than the standard options 
I have never set specifics. I have been running it with no 
problems with the current setting for over a year.

Til now

Jim Kelly-Rand
jbk at