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[Discuss] Password managers

I use lastpass. It works on all platforms. Individual passwords are
encrypted as is the master password. The only problem I had was when I
forgot the exact spelling of my master pass phrase. Since my desktop system
was logged in I was able to set another pass phrase.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id: 6F6BB6E7
PGP Key fingerprint: 0EDC 2FF5 53A6 8EED 84D1  3050 5715 B88D 6F6
B B6E7

On Tue, May 5, 2020, 5:50 PM Jerry Natowitz <j.natowitz at> wrote:

> I've decided it is time to start using strong unique passwords on all
> sites.  What products will work on Linux/gnu, Linux/Android, and Windows
> 10?  Is the integration to the O/S, the window manager, or the web
> browser?  Looking for something that will work transparently across all
> the mentioned platforms, and possibly also Mac/iPhone.
> --
>         Jerry Natowitz
> ===>    j.natowitz (at)
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