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[Discuss] Password managers

I'm happy with 1Password

It works seamlessly on everything I've tried it on: macOS, Ubuntu and Red
Hat Linux, Windows 10. I'd be surprised if there weren't an Android app but
you probably want to check that out to make sure.

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 5:50 PM Jerry Natowitz <j.natowitz at> wrote:

> I've decided it is time to start using strong unique passwords on all
> sites.  What products will work on Linux/gnu, Linux/Android, and Windows
> 10?  Is the integration to the O/S, the window manager, or the web
> browser?  Looking for something that will work transparently across all
> the mentioned platforms, and possibly also Mac/iPhone.
> --
>         Jerry Natowitz
> ===>    j.natowitz (at)
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Jack Bennett
ajbennett at