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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

Grant Mongardi wrote: 
> Ok, so this is more of a rant than anything. After several years of using
> Debian at work (Debian 9 stretch), and after my LTS version of Linux Mint
> at home stopped receiving updates, I decided to upgrade it to Debian 10
> buster. I have to say that this is the worst desktop linux OS I've ever
> used. It's as though they went out of their way to make it difficult to
> use, customize or manage. Here's what I've encountered so far:
> 1. Software Update reboots the computer - seriously, it just rebooted my
> computer to install a Firefox update! Who does that?

That doesn't sound like Debian at all. Did you install
unattended-upgrades for some reason and tell it to reboot

Tell us what you actually did, please.

> 2. Stupid, unmovable, pop-up "favorites" tool bar - this is a toolbar, on
> the left side of the screen that pops up when you move your mouse there.

Oh, you're using GNOME. Maybe you would be happier with XFCE.

> 3. No toolbox that I can find - I've tried installing things in the repo
> that would seem to be toolboxes, but to no avail. So now every time I need
> to check Slack I have to open it from the main menu. I did figure out I
> could add it to favorites and it would be on the stupid tool bar though, so

What's a toolbox?

> 4. Date, sound, power, and network icons moved to the top
> 5. No quick-launch bar that I can find.

You're making lots of complaints about GNOME as though it were
the operating system. It isn't.

> I've been using Debian stretch for years now without any of these issues.
> So yeah, I'm pretty upset by this.

I can tell. But all of these problems are fixable.
