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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 07:49:32 -0400
Grant Mongardi <gmongardi at> wrote:

> 1. Software Update reboots the computer - seriously, it just rebooted
> my computer to install a Firefox update! Who does that?

Not Debian? I've been running Debian 10 on my home server for going on
a year. Only times it needs to reboot are for new kernels.

> 2. Stupid, unmovable, pop-up "favorites" tool bar - this is a

This is not Debian. It's the desktop environment itself which is
probably either Gnome or KDE. You should be able to change this
behavior but don't ask me how.

> 3. No toolbox that I can find - I've tried installing things in the


> 4. Date, sound, power, and network icons moved to the top
> 5. No quick-launch bar that I can find.

See #2.

Rich Pieri