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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 10:30:57 -0400
Kent Borg <kentborg at> wrote:

> I think Gnome people are trying to make my mouse-based computer like
> a finger-based phone or something.

I've quipped that the goal of GNOME is to make the desktop a single
button, the most artistic, beautifully rendered button, that does
nothing when you click it.

Meanwhile, I use Windows 10. It's functional and with a few tweaks it
is quite usable, moreso than macOS in my opinion which, along a similar
path to GNOME, wants to make everything work like an iPhone: pretty
buttons that do things when you tap them. WSL has been fine (mostly
better than Cygwin even), and WSL 2 is out in the wild now which should
make things even better once I get it. And VcXsrv is an entirely
capable X server.

Rich Pieri